Friday, February 2, 2007

This is my first attempt at a blog and setting it up. It should be enhanced with time and effort.

A little info to start. We are a family of 4, two Sons 3 and 5. We live in a modest house and have 1 vehicle. My Wife and I both work Full time.

I started this blog because of the final decision to get out of Debt and get our lives in better financial shape.

In December 06 I guess I hit bottom. Debts/bills piling up and getting behind. Searched the web and compared bet management companies. Registered and signed up with one. After a long conversation, forms, etc now on the program. They were very nice and helpful.

Total Credit Card and person loan debt $30K. Could not beleive it. My student loans are down to approx $500. Hope to pay it off with the tax check. We owe on the vehicle and house.

Will be posting more.

Wish me luck and any advice.

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